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Freiburg, Germany


11-50 employees



founded in


Carbonfuture helps companies and organizations worldwide on their path to true net zero. As an online marketplace and fully digitized platform for high-quality and effective carbon sink credits, we offer certificates that not only avoid CO2 emissions, but actively remove them out of the atmosphere. Our uncompromisingly scientific approach as well as seamless, tamper-proof supply chain tracking, precise sink modeling, and flexible credit management, set the standard for credible and effective climate protection. In accordance with our mission statement “carbon removal you can trust”, we incorporate these key values into all our processes. One carbon future credit corresponds to one ton of CO2 being safely removed from the atmosphere for a minimum of 100 years. The goal is to deliver real climate impact: and that means providing carbon sinks in the gigaton range. Find out more about how we can help you reach your net zero goals here: https://www.carbonfuture.earth

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